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Where Is My Booking?

Troubleshooting your host calendar to show or sync a missing guest booking

Isa avatar
Written by Isa
Updated over a week ago

If you added your rental calendar to Turno, but still find that a booking is not appearing on your schedule, you can troubleshoot from your end before contacting support. This guide will help you through some troubleshooting steps.

Syncing manually 🔁

Turno automatically updates your iCal calendars to pick up any updates (canceled bookings, new bookings) once every 2 hours. As for API integration, we re-sync with your platform once every 6 hours. So, if your booking is more recent than that, our system may not have picked it up yet.

To make a recent booking import to Turno, you can try manually syncing your calendar. To do so, click the refresh button on your Schedule page to manually sync your calendars before the automatic sync. You can find it at the top right of the page, it looks like two circular arrows. Click it, then "Sync again now" to confirm, like so:

If you have many properties and bookings, this sync may take a few minutes, but your new bookings should show after it is done.

Syncing manually on your integration page 📌

If the manual sync above does not bring your booking through, and you have an API integration, there is another way to manually force a sync that you can initiate on your Integrations page. Once there, find the platform you're importing your bookings from, and click the "Update" button:

This will take you to your properties list. Double-check them to see if they are selected to be imported, then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "Link # listings". After that, your schedule should be updated soon, but don't forget that the time may vary depending on the number of properties and bookings you have.

⚠️ Depending on your booking platform, there may be a limit as to how long into the future we can sync bookings from. This span may vary from 2 to 9 months.

Allowing Turno to import blocked dates 🚫

Sometimes, a rental calendar may have blocked dates or dates where your calendar was marked as 'not available'.

If your calendar is from one of our supported platforms and has blocked dates, Turno will not import them by default. To bring them through, go to the Calendars tab in your property settings (see the guide Syncing a rental calendar). Below the name of the platform the calendar is coming from, you will see the option to import blocked dates. Click on the box to the left to switch it on.

"For [rental platform] calendars, import non-[rental platform] events from my [rental platform] calendar. This option will import blocked dates from your [rental platform] calendar and will assign cleanings to them."

⚠️ If you sync from multiple rental platforms, we suggest adding each of your calendars individually to your property instead of relying on the option to sync blocked dates. This approach ensures full support and makes sure you don't miss any bookings or end up with double projects.

I tried manual sync, but the booking is still not there 💡

A typical scenario where a booking doesn't import is when a reservation is booked too late in the day for the very next day. These bookings will not sync on Turno and, in turn, will not generate a cleaning project. Since the system doesn't sync past bookings, it will not import on later dates either.

In other words, if a booking is created and starts before the next automatic sync happens, Turno may not pick it up. So we recommend you sync your calendar manually as soon as you receive a booking scheduled to start in less than 2 or 6 hours, depending on whether you sync via iCal or API integration, to make sure it comes through and generates a cleaning project.

But if you cannot do that in time and need a cleaning, don't worry, you can still create a manual project on your schedule and have it sent to your cleaners. You can check all the steps in the following guide: ⬇️

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