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Background Check FAQ

A few questions and answers about Turno's background check process.

Thalia avatar
Written by Thalia
Updated over a week ago

Some frequently asked questions about background checks are answered for cleaners here. This article may be frequently updated.

If your question is not answered on this article or if your issue involves something more specific due to a particular scenario, contact us through our in-app live chat or email at [email protected]. ✉️

Do I need to complete a background check to use Turno?

Background checks have become a requirement in order to use the Turno marketplace in the United States, so this step cannot be skipped if you wish to use Turno to find clients.

However, if you're using Turno with your existing clients, you don't have to do a background check, even if you are in the US.

Why does Turno require a background check?

A background check is mandatory for cleaners in the USA who wish to use our marketplace to find new customers. When you find a new customer through Turno, a new business relationship is established, so customers may be a little insecure leaving their properties under the care of cleaners they never met before. A background check helps you look professional and gives customers reassurance that you are trustworthy. ​

I just purchased it, what is the next step?

Once you purchase a background check request, you will receive an email from Accurate Background (the third-party company that runs background checks for Turno) with a form for you to fill out with your information. This will initiate the process, so it's important to keep an eye on your main inbox as well as the spam folder for an email coming from either [email protected] or [email protected]. This form expires in 10 days - make sure you locate the email and fill it out as soon as possible.

I didn't receive the email, what can I do?

If you have already checked your email inbox and have not found any emails from Accurate with the form, don't worry. Contact our customer support team through our live chat or email us at [email protected], and we will have it re-sent. 🔁

How long does it take for the background check to be completed?

Since background checks for Turno are run by a third-party company, and they don't work only for us, we can't provide a precise estimate on how long it will take for it to be completed. But if everything is in order, your badge should appear on your account sooner rather than later. If you are renewing your background check badge, it should be faster.

How can I check the status of my background check?

After filling out the form with your information, contact Accurate Support directly to learn more about your background check status. 📑
This help article from Accurate has more information on how to get a status update from them (you'll find the answer under the section "What's the status of my background check?"):

What makes a background check be approved or rejected?

Factors such as a clean criminal record, accurate information, positive employment and education history, good credit record, and favorable references increase approval chances. ✅

The background check you get through Turno will verify records from the past 7 to 10 years, depending on the state. Crimes involving drugs, guns, violence, trespassing, and theft will cause your background to be rejected and your access to the Turno marketplace to be revoked. ❌

My background check request expired, what can I do now?

When you request a background check on Turno, Accurate Background (the third-party company that runs background checks for Turno), will send you an email with a link to fill out a form. The form page expires in 10 days, so if the form is not filled out within that time, your request will be canceled and you won't be able to complete it any longer.

Accurate does not offer refunds, so whenever a cancellation happens, it is necessary to purchase a new request through Turno to have the background check process initiated again. 👈

How long is my background check valid for?

Once you have completed a background check and received your badge, it will be valid for one year. After that period, you will need to renew your badge by repurchasing it in order to continue bidding on offers from customers in your area.

Background checks are required for safety reasons to maintain the trust of marketplace customers. We recommend renewing your badge promptly to avoid any interruptions in your ability to bid on offers. ⚠️

I've had my background check run by another company, can I use it?

It's not possible to submit background checks from other sources. However, background checks done through your Turno account may serve other purposes beyond Turno. You can request a copy from Accurate if needed.

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