Payments that go through Turno are usually associated with projects, so it's easy to find which payment is for which project. This article will show you how to look for a payment to see if your project has been paid.
Finding the project
You can find your projects either on your Projects page or on your Schedule page. On either page, all projects will have a project ID, which is a number that serves to identify it as a unique project in the system. You can use this ID to find the payment that corresponds to the project.
Project IDs show as #XXXXXXXX on the project card, where the Xs are the number of the project. You can use it to find the payment for each project on your payment history page.
Finding the payment in your payment history
To find the payment that corresponds to the project, open your payment history and find the project ID on the payments list. The payment that displays along with the project ID is the one associated with your project.
Finding the payment in your statement
Depending on how your bank statement displays charges, you can use the project ID to locate the exact charge for a specific project too. Regular project charges from Turno usually show as TURNO#XXXXXXXX where the Xs are the project ID. So you can cross reference your statement with your payment history to check that your payments are going through normally.
Project reports
You can also generate and download a report for your projects if you need to check which ones were paid. Our project reports feature allows you to download a report. You can include a column in your report for whether each project was paid through Turno or not, making it easier to review that information.
Our article about project reports explains how to create a project report in more detail: